Saturday, June 4, 2011

Email discussions of support from Rex’s 40 year career in Industry

This is a Public record email that shows Al Minner, Rex Nelson, and others are working together as of the Tuesday night meeting at Don Wright's (I think Don is now Vice Mayor of the city of Sebastian) house. On a time line this is before the resolution was created to oppose the Ocean Concrete planned development. Early in January of 2007, Ocean Concrete was almost 4 years and millions of dollars into the process!

To: Al Minner, Sebastian City Manage

Ref: The Tuesday, January 2, 2007,Opposition Meeting


   Your comments at the meeting provided key strategic views that we very much appreciated. We wish to purse a course of action consistent with the mutual objectives.of government and homeowners as we discussed. 

   The First Step: I propose your offices provide me with all the Ocean Concrete, Inc media available to me through the Freedom of Information Act, the Florida Sunshine Laws, or any other public domain information, since the City of Sebastian government started taking the opposing actions you mentioned. In return after "getting up to speed" by reading and listening to the pertinent information, I offer to support you in specific ways that we may agree upon, pro bono, as you may suggest or desire, to the best of my ability -- gained from a forty-year career in Industry.

   Please advise.

   Thank you for offering your contact information and please contact me too as you see fit. 

Rex Nelson
710 Fischer Circle

Anyone who wishes to obtain public records can do so by making a request under the sunshine act.


1 comment:

  1. 40 years in industry and Rex does not the different between light and heavy? Light industry produces light weight products!
    Was he in the feather bed manufacturing business? Light feathers heavy bed...I just can't understand how everyone fell for these skewed ideals.
