I would like to say this story is about the proposed Ocean Concrete batch plant in Indian River County, but it isn't. This letter is about the rights that are guaranteed by the laws of the State of Florida, Indian River County and the United States of America. There is a new way of circumventing people's right to fair and equal protection under the law. I'm referring to the use of the land development code to bypass the notification in zoning changes to the department of community affairs. Any changes to the comprehensive growth plan have to be added and approved by the State. In my book if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
Did the Planning Department work both ends against the middle when it came to helping Ocean Concrete get its permits? All types of different skullduggery appeared to be in play, when the neighborhood homeowners became involved. I submit this is a case of buyer beware, and lack of due diligence on the part of the homeowners. The train and the classification of light industrial were in place way before the residents moved into the area. The area was zoned light industrial and more specifically the concrete plant was one of the permitted uses.
Next, the opposition drug out the historical aspect of the road and tried to say the road needed to be saved. They also used a man who said one thing in his book and tried to change it to suit the County. Sounds like a conflict of interest, not to mention the lies before the Board of County Commissioners. It makes it a lot easier to present your reasons to "Stop Ocean Concrete", when you have a homeowner who has a team of 1000 lawyers doing research.
So, with those two problems shot down by the owners of the concrete plan why couldn't Mr. Maib get his permit? He jumped over every hurdle put in front of him. If it were not for the stall and delay tactics, this plant would already have been up and running. He has been trying since 2005, why has it taken so long? The State has already issued permits. Jobs would have been created due to the building of the plant and the amount of spin-off jobs created would have helped lower unemployment numbers.
So, as a newcomer onboard, I tried to get answers to this puzzle. I went to the county and talked with county employees to find out if the plant could get permitted. I was very surprised to find out how much the average county employee knew about the project. I was even assured by the staff in planning and zoning that I could buy in that area because the plant would never get the permits, even with the court case pending. Sounds like the deck was stacked against Ocean Concrete. Was just "nimby", not in my back yard, working overtime or was there another reason?
I went to see for myself what was down the road. I was very surprised to see the condition of the few houses that were on the almost empty blighted road. There was a dilapidated older home with holes in its roof that looked like it was ready to bite the dust. I guess they don't have code enforcement in Indian River County because the building should have been destroyed as a hazard. I would even go so far as to say a homeless person would pass it by. I wonder if they store agriculture products in there. Talk about an accident ready to happen, that place is it.
Next I saw what appeared to be an old junk yard with old scrap autos in the front yard. I wonder if any of these citizens came to speak before the county commission. The first "green" concrete plant in the State of Florida would have outshined these seedy derelict buildings. The concrete plant is needed and necessary to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Florida.
So what was so important to stall and delay the plant? The county is the holder of the final permit and they can come up with all sorts of tactics to derail this project. The I.R.S. boys taught me to always follow the money. If I heard it once I heard it a hundred times. They were always right. It took a lot of research to try and figure this out. But I'm like a pit bull with an old bone, I just keep worrying it to death until I get to the truth of the matter.
Then I wonder about the FEC railway owned by Fortress Investment Group. Some worthwhile research produces the information that John Edwards invested 16 million in the group and was a consultant for the group. He was indicted this week for misuse of campaign funds. I wonder, when he and Obama met on Feb.17, 2008, if Edwards' endorsement included that Obama would throw some stimulus money our way for the new bullet train? Where would this new wonder go? Would it go further than just Tampa to Orlando, or would it go to Jacksonville, or travel down to Vero Beach? Would Vero Beach become a new hub and change an over connecting place?
Wouldn't it be funny, if the GOB homeowner association scared the homeowners into trying to stop Ocean Concrete only to find out that their good will had been used and abused and that the group was being used by the lobbyists for the railroad owners to reclaim the station or the railroad spur that Ocean Concrete has. All these permits were not given out by various other agencies if they did not expect the site plan would go sailing through the hoops and hurdles. I have never seen such a concerted effort to foil one person's American dream. Members of both the county and the city commission met out of the sunshine and didn't disclose their connections to the Indian River Home Association. The e-mail proves that they worked together to stop Ocean Concrete and in doing so they violated this man's rights.
The money according to them is nothing "personal "but their efforts to prevent what was legally permitted and the manner in which they worked in concert and out of the sunshine leaves a lot of questions and was definitely personal. Even their snide remarks about "gorgeous George" were personal, that they sent to the city of Sebastian that became public record were personal. So much for a man's word is his bond and there goes fair and ethical government down the drain.
Paradise Lost
This man fought for his American dream for almost seven long tedious years, he has lost his home, but his faith in the justice of the land he loves and cherishes still shines bright. He was building his plant the right way, he has a degree in environmental studies, it was his dream. Some kids play firemen, some play police and others dream of building. I'm proud to say that my friend George Maib turned the other cheek every time people said something bad about him. He is the kind of man any mother would be proud to call son and I'm proud to call him friend.
He plays by the rules and he just wanted a fair hearing and the chance to explain his dream. But in Sebastian it's not what you know, it's who you know. He never got that opportunity. The homeowners listened to the fear mongering and the lies, and the hatred, spread like an out of control brush fire through the community. What started as a pebble turned into a mountain of fear and mistrust. No one wanted to hear the truth. It is a "David and Goliath" situation. One man holding the lanterns of truth and a whole town willing to break the law because they thought the ends justified the means. Fairness and fair play don't exist in Sebastian.
You can feel the hatred and hear it in the voices. People don't even know the man but just the mention of the two words, Ocean Concrete, and hatred spills out. Whether it's the lady at the election office or the receptionist who called upstairs to the editor and said George was there about the article in the paper. The editor refused to come and talk to George and pretended like we were not there. We never said a word about any article. We went there to share some documents.
I don't know how one person manages to hold up his head, but if you can look in the mirror in the morning and still like what you see, and know in your heart you did not do what everyone is accusing you of doing then you're a hero in my book. My friend doesn't have a mean bone in his body, he just keeps on trucking and he looks for the good in everyone.
Sebastian and the Indian River Home Association only believe in winning and they don't care how they do it. I taught my children it isn't whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game. Except if you live in Sebastian! Yes, Ms. Freed, you should be very proud of your elected officials in Sebastian. They have set a good example.
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!
If you give politicians enough rope, sooner or later they will hang themselves and that's exactly what happened between the city commissions in Sebastian and the county commissioners in Indian River County. They give new meaning to the term "cronyisms "and "cigar smoking good old bad boy "politics , hereafter referred to as "GOBBS". I could not believe my eyes when the documents started to fly. No one, and I mean no one, expected anyone to check, but someone did and uncovered the "smoking gun" in the Ocean Concrete affair. These documents may give new meaning to the word collusion. Score one for the "American's for Fair and Ethical Government". It's sad but true, the GOBBs , never expected the average concerned citizen to spend the time or the money to prove the point. But when ethical government and the U.S. Constitution were spoon fed to you as a child and you grow up believing that your government is supposed to function a certain way, imagine the shock when you find out this is not the way real government functions. Remember, a politician is a "con man who just hasn't been caught."
Speaking about getting caught, these politicians are down for the count. There is a very old Italian saying that states" the more you tell a lie the more it becomes the truth". Well these commissioners have told so many lies that I am surprised their mothers didn't wash their mouth out with soap. My Aunt Peg told me if you tell one lie you have to tell two more to cover it. My aunt was right on the money. My husband likes to remind me that "the truth only hurts once, a lie hurts forever". Now you know how the "ethics crusader" feels about liars, so let's print the truth and you can judge for yourself.
Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Did the problems for Ocean Concrete start in Sebastian or in Indian River County? Was there a master puppeteer pulling the strings of the shadow governments, or was staff being given directions behind the scenes? Or worse yet, was the authority of the county manager being overridden by the interfering commissioners? Maybe that's why the Indian River County manager can dictate his own overblown salary. Why wasn't he fired after his drinking under the influence ticket surfaced? There's something about being in the same job for twenty-five years, because then you know where all the "secrets" are buried.
What a tangled web we weave when first we try to deceive!
There was never any fair and equal permitting process by the county. In my opinion a person applying for a permit should be entitled to fair and equal treatment under the law. If you pay for a ticket to have your review done by the county than they should not be working both ends against the middle. The e-mails from Sebastian seem to prove the appearance of collusion. Not only did the city mayor and commissioner pass a resolution to prevent Ocean Concrete from receiving a fair shake, they never even bothered to recluse themselves from voting. One hand washes the other but in this case both county and city were rubbing their hands together in what appears to be a concerted pattern of corruption. What appeared to be four concerned citizens on a mission to stoop a concrete plant from being built along the railway corridor went from something simple to far reaching tentacles of deceit and lies.
There appeared to be a director leading this merry band of lawyers, commissioners and county planners. How can an honest, hardworking American citizen get a fair shake in the permitting processes, if the staff who is supposed to help him find his way through the maze of hoops are the same people laughing behind his back while they are taking his money for his development. Talk about back stabbers. I wonder if they have on the job training for that, or did they learn this behavior at their father's knee? Is this the kind of honesty and values we want our children to learn?
There were some honest people along the way, some even quit their job rather than march to this corrupt song and other commissioners decided to go fishing because they knew what was going to happen in the commission chambers and they choose not to be there for the vote. Oops, it that what you call omission? Morales conscience, one--good old bad boy corruption, four.
Annexation may be the name of the game. This is more than a case of "nimby", not in my back yard. I don't have any proof of this, just my own political opinion. What if the city of Sebastian wanted to annex the property? It was brought up in one of their meetings, so what would be the prize besides a way to stop Ocean Concrete? The railway spur? No one seems to care about the railway going passed their house and the effect on the water. Isn't the railway one of the boundaries for the community redevelopment agency? Maybe this is a case for the U.S. Attorney to look into and find out why this loophole is being used by so many counties to change zoning laws by changing local land use codes. Remember, what President Reagan told to Russians, if it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, It's A Duck!