Wednesday, February 26, 2014


It’s been a long time since I wrote anything about the green concrete batch plant that

was to be located in  Indian River County. Florida but tonight is the night I

 need to pick up my  and fix that problem. See the problem is no longer

one man’s fight to right a wrong because it now affect everyone’s right.

I have watched as one man who believes in this country did his best to right

this injustice but now whether you believe in his vision or not .if you believe

in the constitution and the right to a free press then it is time to call your

 commissioner, your civil  public officials and demand that the government in

the sunshine laws not be dismantle or trampled . Like that snake that says

 “don’t tread on me” I’m ready to aim and fire my trusty pen to protect these

freedoms that our fathers fought and died to keep us safe from the back

rooms filled with cigar smoke laughter and back slapping deals made out of

the view of the general public.

If I gave away stock in I.B.M. everyone would be lined up on the front steps

of the courthouse to get their fair share. But we give away stock in America

and no one wants to stand up and claim their heritage. We’ll I’m old, a

grandmother of 13 grand kids and a great grandmother of 6 but these issues

are more important to me  because the older I get  the more I see the

handwriting on the wall.  Someone has to lead the

charge for justice. I watched and I tried to help when could but now I need help. I

can’t believe this old lady said the words “I need help” and I’m sure my

grandchildren won’t believe that Nannie actually asked for “help”. So I feel

like I may have shown a side the kids aren't use to seeing but this issue


their future and the future of all the citizens of the great state of Florida. My

hands hurt from the arthritis and my eyes hurt from the strain of trying to

type, My mind works just fine but I rest of me is slowing down. So while I

may slow down I refuse to give in or give up. Martin Luther King said “a

injustice to one is a injustice to all,” so we must let everyone know what is

going on in Indian River County.

Maybe this social media will send this to the newspaper and if enough people

e-mail them just maybe they will get the message, that the truth is more

important than the advertisers and this manage news must end.

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